Thursday, January 2, 2014

What is caffeine, what is the good and bad effect of this in our body?

Most of our food and drinks contain caffeine, like coffee, where one source of caffeine, other are soft drink, tea, energy drink which has a high contain of caffeine, and many more, even the decaffeinated coffee has a little caffeine, and in some drugs, like pain relievers, cold medications, and diet pills.


I‘m a caffeine user too, I consumed about 5 cups of coffee a day sometime more, my favorite coffee time is in the morning and evening before going to sleep, despite of some saying that coffee can‘t make you sleep, as for me, it’s wrong, because after I take coffee I feel sleepy, maybe the caffeine on that coffee is not strong as it is to affect my sleeping time. often time when I feel very tired, I drink energy drink, sometime I ate with soft drink in dinner than water, I didn’t mind if there is a lot of caffeine or not but in the past day I read about caffeine, so, I want to share it with you.


What is caffeine, what really the effect of this in our body, is there are a good benefit from caffeine or on food and drink that contained caffeine? 


What really caffeine is?


Caffeine is a bitter, white crystalline xanthenes alkaloid and a stimulant drug. It is found in varying quantities in the seeds, like coffee beans, leaves, and fruit of some plants.


So, caffeine is naturally comes from plant. Why when we thought caffeine the first thing comes in our mind is, it is bad for our health.


How the caffeine processes in our body?


Caffeine is water soluble; it absorbs and distributes very quickly, its spread throughout all of our body's cells. It travels directly into our bloodstream from the stomach, and then moves rapidly to the brain, reproductive organs and liver. It passes easily through cell membranes, in a single cup of coffee, caffeine remains in our body for several days.


If you want to clean your body from food and drink that contain caffeine, its take time and days.


What is the negative effect of caffeine in our body?


Although moderate caffeine consumption of three or fewer eight ounce cups of coffee each day can have stimulating effects and isn't considered harmful.


But excessive caffeine intake can cause you to;


Increased heart rate, Vomiting, Nausea, Excessive urination, Anxiety, Restlessness, Depression, Tremors, Difficulty sleeping and dehydration.


A High blood pressure that associated with an increase in strokes, and cerebral vascular disease.


It may reduce control of fine motor movements that producing shaky hands and trembling.


It can increase cortisol secretion to developed tolerance.


It can contribute to increased insomnia and sleep latency.


Caffeine is addictive. Sudden withdrawal can produce headache, fatigue and decreased alertness. High doses of caffeine (300 mg or higher) can cause anxiety.


High consumption has been linked to an increase in the likelihood of experiencing auditory hallucinations.


It also accelerates bone loss at the spine in elderly postmenopausal women.


Although generally mild and brief, these effects include increased anxiety, nervousness, jitteriness, and upset stomach.


Even caffeine has a bad effect in our body in the other side there is also a good effect.


What are the good effects of caffeine?


A High long-term consumption is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.


It reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.


Caffeine helps the body burn fat instead of carbohydrate, and it blunts the perception of pain. Both can boost endurance.


It is also a mild analgesic. Caffeine makes pain relievers 40% more effective in relieving headaches and helps the body absorb headache medications more quickly, bringing faster relief.


In Mental performance, Caffeine improves alertness and reaction time in people, whether they are habitual consumers of caffeine or not.


Caffeine has several metabolic effects that reduce the risk of gallstones. One probable explanation is that caffeine may stimulate the gallbladder to contract, which helps empty it of stone-forming cholesterol and bile pigments.


It may also reduce the amount of neurotransmitters produced by the brain, transmitters that may cause damage to surrounding brain tissue. Like Parkinson's disease.


A Low doses of caffeine show increased alertness and decreased fatigue.


It increased the metabolic rate.


It may reduce the risk of developing cancer and produce a delay in the average onset of cancer.


It may lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


It also reduces certain kind of hepatic cancers.


Caffeine is also a source of healthful antioxidant activity against some free radicals inside the body.


In caffeine non-users or intermittent users, low doses of caffeine (20-200 mg) generally produce positive mood effects such as increased well-being, happiness, energetic arousal, alertness, and sociability.


A Large caffeine doses (200 mg or greater) may produce negative mood effects.


These are just a few effect of caffeine in our body, bad or good the best medicine is prevention, this positive effect is nothing, if we didn’t avoid it, at least, takes it moderately.


There is a saying "one is enough two is too much and three is dangerous"


This is a reason why I didn’t drink too much coffee anymore, if I drink 5 cups a day lately, now 3 cups is enough for me and also I limit drinking energy drink, rest is the best alternative from them.



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