Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year’s resolution, a simple tips to do it.

New Year’s resolution start in ancient Babylonians and their main resolution is to lose weight maybe most of them are heavy.

Now, Most of us when the new year come has been thinking for new year’s resolution, it’s been a tradition even a little child knows about this, but let’s admit not all of us follow our new year’s resolution, even I, every year I have a resolution but unfortunately I didn’t do it until another year comes.

Last year my New Year resolution is to become slim, sound like the Babylonians. I plan to exercise daily and decrease my rice, take out sweet food and drinks, but as the day goes on I didn’t start my exercise and diet, the reason is, I have no time and if I have a time, I feel tired, sometimes I do exercise but not enough to loose weight, I admit sometime I’m too lazy to do it, until the year ended. so, here come another year, me too are looking how to do a new year’s resolution, let me share you the way I found how we do it.

Here are simple tips on how we fulfill our new year’s resolution.

1. Have a pen and paper available, or a tablet device if preferred.  Start a list to jot down some notes. Ask yourself the following questions to get you started and then add questions of your own Think about changes and improvements you'd like to make.

2. Define our goal we must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-specific.  We must go further than simply saying I want to lose weight, go beyond.

3. Make changes to your behavior and routine, our behavior depend of our daily routine, so what we do is to change our routine if we do it will bring different results, in this way I must force myself to fight laziness, we must modify our behaving to fulfill our new year’s resolution.

4. Tell it to others when you announce your goals on social media, to your families or in the workplace, you will force to do it because of embarrassment if you fail. so, if you are not serious in your task, well, just keep it secret.

5. Track your progress by monitoring yourself, a calendar or any tool to track your progress, it can also show if you slips or not.

6. We are human chances are we may slip up once or twice during this process. Its fine what is important is to deal our failures by getting back and continuing along our goal.

7. Reward yourself a small achievement. When you reach your goal, recognize the accomplishment and perhaps do something nice for yourself.

I hope these simple tips will help us, so let’s start our New Year resolution.

“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.”


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