Thursday, October 17, 2013

It’s my 1st year in Blogging.

Oct 13, is my anniversary, it’s my 1st year in blogging, I start blogging last Oct. 13, 2012.

Back in the past day, I was reading an article about the Church of Christ wrote by a blogger, when I thought, why I didn‘t make my own blog?

At first, I just want to write a blog about my experience and about my faith, I just want to keep a record about it, I have no idea what really a blog, some say, that you can earn money from it, but that‘s not my plan, like I say, just to keep record, later on, I thought, how could I improve in blogging? So, I can write, the right form of blogging, because this is online and everybody can read it, I must know what is really a blog, what to blog and what is not, the do‘s and don’ts in blogging and the legal side. I do research, and reading, in the internet, I bought book about writing and blogging and this really help me a lot, I can say, I’m not newbie in blogging anymore, but I want to learn more maybe today, it’s just for the record making blogging, but someday its money making blogging.

I have almost a hundred blog, a niche blogs that covers a certain topic of blog, such as, food blog a recipes, travel blog and more, still, about my experience and faith is there, one thing I didn’t yet do is the video blogs. Later, I will imitate guiyome.

I can’t imagine how I do all my blogs, where I get my entire topic. way back in my high school day, I hate English subject, this is the reason why I’m poor in grammar, I‘m not a wide thinker, I don’t want to torture my mind on thinking something like, words, grammar, sentences, but maybe this happen because of my passion in blogging, right! In blogging you must have a passion, and interest, that’s one thing I learned, even you are not good in writing and grammar; you can make a blog because of passion and interest. If you want to do something you have to find the way to make it perfect.

Like I always say blogging is awesome, blogging make your mind active, why? when you start writing a blog, the word start to enter in your mind about the topic, it comes from your fast experience, from people you talked, from place you went , and from books you have read, all of this will return to your mind when you start to write.

I want to write more blog, as of now, it not yet come to my mind to use this for earning, it’s too early and I need more knowledge and experience.

Thanks to all who gave time to read my blog, and to my Google circle, you are valuable to me.


Happy 1st year blogging anniversary to me.

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