Thursday, October 10, 2013

How we can fight the Insomnia?

I was lying in the bed, I was tired after a whole day work, I’m supposed to be asleep already because of tiredness, but what happen to me, I can’t sleep, I closed my eye but my mind are still awake, I don’t want to think this is insomnia but it is, insomnia. 

Insomnia simply means sleeplessness.

Insomnia refers to a person who has difficulty falling sleep or staying asleep, more accurately describe as DIMS or disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep.

There are 3 basic type of insomnia,

  • Transient Insomnia, That is last for a few nights and is associated with some type of Physical and Emotional Stress.

  • Short-term insomnia, which may last several days or a week. And

  • Chronic insomnia, which may go on for years.

Insomnia is considered serious when it affect already in daytime behavior and performance, thus, you need to seek professional help.

What is the cause of insomnia? it’s not symptom, not disease. It is usually cause by this factors. Moreover, overcoming this insomnia depend on how we recognize this factors.

Physical Predisposition and Psychological Predisposition

If you are physically predisposed to insomnia you have a hyperactive arousal system, faster heart beat and higher body temperature.

Psychological predisposed is more likely people who are high-strung and who react more negatively to disappointment and problem.

Use of drugs and alcohol

Drug more harm than good, don’t you know that sleeping pills and alcohol can actually disrupt sleep by inducing shorter more disturbed sleeping pattern, it often lead to addicted behavior because the sufferer takes more drug and alcohol thinking it will relieved their insomnia. Why do not you drink a cup of milk instead of alcohol or eat a high carbohydrate food like cereal or cracker before bedtime, of course, avoids sugar and caffeine.

Disturbing environments, Bad habits, and Negative conditioning.

Your environment and lifestyles, noise, light, heat, and cold can affect your ability to sleep, exercising too close to bedtime can keep you up, and relaxing too much during the day and frequent napping, even sleeping late on a weekend day can cause insomnia. Avoid this.

Train yourself to establish good habit having a consistent bedtime and raising at the same time every morning. Changing your sleep environment can be as easy.

Our needs for sleep vary according to age, health, and stress.

Here I suggest a little help to improve our sleep.

  • Exercise regularly but not within three hours of bedtime.

  • Give your mind an hour or so to wind down before bedtime, listening to soft music is a better. 

  • Create a bedroom environment conductive to sleep, find the ways to eliminate intrusive noise and keep out light. 

  • Hide your bedroom clock once you have set the alarm. It is hard to relax when you awake at 4 am and know your day starts in just a few hours. 

  • If you cannot sleep don’t toss and turn, if you are awake for more than 15 minutes, turn on the light and do something else.

  • A walk after dinner can work some of the tension of your muscles and light snack before bed can cause drowsiness by directing more blood flow to the stomach away from the brain.

Our condition is good if we sleep properly, if you suffered from more than an occasional bad night, you have to seek professional help.

having problem with insomnia is really hard especially if your body need a rest but your eyes and mind didn’t allow it, there are some factor that we must recognize to be able to cope this insomnia.

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