Sunday, August 4, 2013

Addiction: How can we change?

I don’t want to smoke anymore, I will stop my smoking, this is the word of smoker who is want to stop his addiction to cigarette, but after a few days of stopping, he started smoking again, and returned to his old habit. this is just one of many bad habit that we want to resist. but we have no power to continue our task to stop it, we become relapser.

Relapser is the one, who have a limited view in recovery, people with certain personality traits have higher than average relapse rates, those who regularly backslide had trouble expressing anger were perfectionist, blamed other for their problem, sometimes antisocial and thrill seekers, by their emotional distress, they going back to their habit when they feeling lonely or worried, other people are turning to substitute devices like artificial cigarette, other say it is not good, so, they going back to real cigarette again.

Relapse is an act or an instance of backsliding, worsening, or subsiding, to slip or fall back into a former worse state, it means, after stopping, they return again to their old habit, and they become worse than ever before.

Its really hard for a person to change, they need help and guidance to be able to do their task to change, How to take away the addiction or to any habit that you want to stop?

Here are some tips;
  • Make sure you are ready, it’s a commitment if you are not really willing to make a break you‘ll finds subtle ways to sabotage yourself.
  • Use Spiritual resources, it’s the best if you are ready, give yourself completely to God, it’s like turning away from sin, read God words, joined in Church that can change you, there is a saying "if your Religion can't changed you, change your Religion" or talk to the Church leader, and become active in Church activity.
  • Break it down, making change a day of a time, abstainer need to set a short term goal, at least three weeks to form a new habit, only, after you've reach your goal, and set another again until it gone.
  • Find what starts your craving (strong desire) keep a journal, record frequency duration, intensity of craving and what set you off? It will help you to prevent your craving.
  • Plan how you'll respond to a craving whether you are expecting it or not, at times an urge will break across you with the force of a tidal wave and you may easily succumb, so, you know ahead of time what defenses you will use when you feel your craving, do something walk, play a game, anything just to pass your craving, it is just 3 to 10 minutes then your craving has gone.
  • Adapt new habit, your emotional needs will not end automatically when your addiction does, to prevent falling back into your old habit, ask yourself what attracted you to the addiction in the first place and then set up alternative, if you go to bar with companion try to join in a volunteer group, want to do with your hand do some gardening and many more alternative.
  • Enlist other, join for a cause to help other who has the same case as your, let them learn from your experience.
  • Reward yourself, every time you passed in the temptation give something to yourself.
  • Don‘t give up, by monitoring your behavior and emotion you‘ll have a better chance of stopping the slide from temptation to release.
Hold on to God He say He will make all thing new” (rev 21:5) He can change you.
Have faith in God, ask God to help and guide you in your task, ask Him to give you a stronge desire to fight, resist your bad habit. it's impossible to man but it's possible to God.

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