Sunday, September 22, 2013


Our friends visit us in our home, they brought their child, a boy about 4 year old, I notice he is disorder, he want to get whatever the things he saw in our room, he run, and run, climb in the window grill go down and run again, when his mother shouted at him telling him to stop, he stop but his face and eye look like angry and after a while he begun again, there is other kids but he doesn’t want to play with them. According to her mother it is normal even in their house he has the same attitude, so, hyper and disorder.


Hyperactivity is a word used to describe a condition in children whose behavior is marked by more than normal physical activity, some say it is a common behavioral problem of children but for parents and other people it is normal for a growing up children like my friend.


Hyperactivity is encompasses such characteristic as Lack of attention, Being easily destructed. Lack of coordination. Impulsive action and over physical energy, sound like not normal for a kids.


Most hyperactive children have a difficult in staying with one task, if the child cannot finish a task without interruption or disruptive behavior in such a time period, he should be observed because, generally if a child can complete his task, he is not hyperactive.


In dictionary hyperactivity is the state or condition of being excessively or pathologically active especially: attention deficit disorder.


But the other say, there is no exact cause of hyperactivity not a mental or physical retardation, but quite the contrary a hyperactive child are highly intelligent and imaginative most like the problem in this case is  the freedom restricting structure of space and time which society build around the developing child.



What is the best remedy for hyperactive kids?


Creating a comfortable and nonthreatening environment is the best remedy for hyperactive child to develop physically and mentally at his own pace. 



Best tool for them are,


* Attention, because of our busiest time we forgot to give it to our child, we let them to their ya-ya whose cannot give what we parents can give, we should attend to them even in our busiest time, just a little time but loveliest moment for them.


* Concerned, concern to what our child doing, like in school, in his work, maybe our child want to show for us but seems look like we are not concern, so, they hesitate to show it to us. let us pay attention to what they are trying to show to us, they just want to share us their happiness in their work. because of lock of attentions and concern they do something that attract our attention. This is the best tools for them Attention and Concerned.

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