Friday, March 29, 2013

Health: How to Prevent Varicose.

Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarge and tortuous, this were your blood clog or stock in the veins, increases the veins pressure in the lower part of the body and become visible at your leg.

I remember my mother who has a varicose veins it almost over her leg like a intestine of chicken, when we are in grade school, we walk for almost two kilometer from school to our home, there is a faucet in the side of the street that we always passed by, in there, we always stop and washed our feet before we proceed to our home and my mother knows it, she said, if we always do that, our leg will have a varicose veins. sometime, It reminds me, when I wash my leg without having resting first. maybe my mother telling the truth, cause, I have a little of it or maybe because she has also have it.

The term commonly refers to the veins on the leg, although varicose veins can occur elsewhere. Veins have leaflet valves to prevent blood from flowing backwards (retrograde flow or reflux). Leg muscles pump the veins to return blood to the heart (the calf muscle pump mechanism), against the effects of gravity.

When veins become varicose, the leaflets of the valves no longer meet properly, and the valves do not work (valvular incompetence). This allows blood to flow backwards and they enlarge even more. Varicose veins are most common in the superficial veins of the legs, which are subject to high pressure when standing. Besides being a cosmetic problem, varicose veins can be painful, especially when standing. Severe long-standing varicose veins can lead to leg swelling, venous eczema, skin thickening (lipodermatosclerosis) and ulceration. Life-threatening complications are uncommon.  (Source:

During periods of sitting, standing and walking, the blood in our leg veins must flow uphill to the heart this is easy when we have a healthy veins and aids from our calf muscles which act as miniature pumping stations, with diseased veins however it can lead to venous congestion in our legs, this will cause varicose veins, swollen legs, leg ulcer and blood clot.

There is a lot of treatment what i told here is prevention for those who are no enough money for treatment, the best way is prevention.

As a prevention,  sitting and standing for a long time is not good, if it cant be avoided move your feet up and down frequently with a pumping station. or walk briskly when you can, more movement to keep your leg muscle in motion, at home lie down with leg raised.

During long trip move your leg often, take the load of your leg veins by frequently elevating your leg.
during the day or in the work, prop your feet up on a stool or to your desk, at night place cushions under the mattress to elevate it approximately six inches, by this tip we can prevent to have a varicose veins.

Self Care, this includes losing weight, exercising, not buying clothes which are too tight, keeping legs elevated.

Compression stockings should be worn as the first method of managing the problem of varicose veins before going on to any further treatments. These are stockings made to be worn from morning to night and they squeeze steadily the legs, helping the leg muscles as well as the veins move blood much more proficiently.

This tips are common but it can help to those who doesn't want to have a varicose veins, sometime it embarrassing if you wore a short pant or skirt. take care our self, be self conscious.

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