Addiction to Internet or Online Game.
What is Addiction? Addiction is the state of being addicted, devoted, inclination.
I was in computer cafe when i heard a mother shouting her son, "hey
are you not going home or you want me to drag you home, you been in the
whole day here," many young boy have addicted in playing online game,
Addiction is devotion.
The boy devoted his whole day in playing online game, he forgot that
he has a home and mother that looking for him, some student fail their
study because of addiction to online game.
Inclination~ a mental tendency.
Tendency ~means a like-hood of behaving in a particular way. (own way)
because of addiction, after school he directly go to computer shop to
play online game, or maybe he didn't go to school but play online game
in the whole day or after woke up he directly play online game without
taking his breakfast. mental tendency to play online game always.
Addiction is a habit of practice that damages jeopardizes.
A Habit~ an action done or a regular basis or an action performed repeatedly and automatically usually without awareness.
It's a habit for the boy to play online game if he can't play, he become
angry, irritated, sometimes, he break the law of his parents in their
house, damaging the trust of his parents because of his addiction
in online game.
A Pathological relationship to mood altering experience that has life damaging consequences.
addiction create an abnormality to a person, mental and physically
disorder, change of behavior, stress, sleepless, if he can't do
what he want or if he can't play his online game.
You need to take
action, your child need your attention.
They become addicted because we didn't monitor their activities, lack of
our attention, they feel alone no one to turn to, so, what happen? they
turn to online game that make them a slave.
let us talk our child, even we have a job, we can monitor them, we are
high tech. now, there is a Skype or a video phone, what we need is time,
time to communicate to in our child, it is the most important thing in the
family, communication.
Let us show to our child that we care for him/them, at very young age he
need our guidance not the guidance of other or of yaya, talk to him
about his activities in school even in outside school, talk their
teacher about their grade, don't be anger with your child, instead, explain
what you want to express to your child with a humble words. let them
join in school activities or in sport or in church activities, teach
them the things that not pass away but the thing that last forever.
For the young boys/girls, online game is good for past time but if you
become addicted, its not good for your self and to your family, in the
bible tell us that , "Rejoice o young man, in thy youth and let thy
heart cheer thee in the day of thy youth and walk in the ways of thine
heart and in the sight of thine eye, but know thou that for all those
things God will bring thee into judgment (Ecc. 11:9)
Everything in this world will gone and bring into judgment by our God. Look the things that last forever.
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