Tuesday, September 26, 2017


When you are acidic many problem arises in our body, acidic fluids may lead to chronic and degenerative diseases and sicknesses.

What is Acid?

It’s the remain after our body breaks down process foods, meats, sugar, alcohol and other acidic foods. Those producing acid ash are called acid-forming foods.

What is Alkaline?

Alkalinity is the byproduct of foods we digested, those are foods called alkaline forming foods. They break down into an alkaline end- product in our tissues. This end-product is called the ash remains in the body after the food has been broken down.

The Acid forming foods.

Meat, sugars, eggs, dairy, most grains, white flour and carbonated beverages. Drugs are also acid forming. Extremely acid-forming such as artificial chemical sweeteners like NutraSweet, Equal, or Aspartame.

The Alkaline forming food.

Fresh fruits and vegetables like, organic dark green vegetables, sea algae, and grasses. It helps our body produce and maintain a healthy pH balance. The pH (potential of hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The pH is measured on a scale of 0 to 14--the lower the pH the more acidic the solution, the higher the pH the more alkaline (or base) the solution. When a body is healthy, the pH of blood is 7.4, the pH of urine is 7.4, and the pH of saliva is 7.4. The pH of saliva or urine parallels the extra cellular fluid. Just as your body regulates its temperature, it will also regulate your body’s internal pH with exact precision.

Effect of acidity.

Acidity can become a dangerous condition that weakens all body systems. An internal environment more on the acidic side is conducive to disease, as bugs, viruses, bacteria and inflammation all thrive in an acidic environment. Acidity of the blood may lead to arthritis, high blood pressure, blood sugar inconsistencies (diabetes), irregularity, fungal problems, (yeast & Candida), heart burn and acid re-flux, inflammation of the joints, stress, excess weight and other disorders. (Acidity or acidosis) also leads to toxicity, to micro-form over growth (bacteria, pathogens, fungi, yeast and parasites) where can eventually lead to illness. Studies have shown that heavy drinker of soft drinks (with or without sugar) use up large amounts of calcium, magnesium, and other trace minerals in order to buffer the acid contained in soft drinks. The more mineral loss, the greater the risk for osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, hypothyroidism, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and a long list of degenerative diseases including cancer.

How much the ideal alkaline should be in our body?

The body needs both types of foods. Acid forming and alkaline forming, however alkaline forming food should predominate over acid forming ones. Everyone is different, but for most, the ideal is 75 percent alkalizing and 25 percent acidifying foods by volume.

How to lower acidity in our body?

By eating more foods that produce alkaline chemicals, you can lower the amount of acidity in your body.

VEGETABLES - Many different vegetables can reduce the amount of acid in our body. Those that have a bitter taste can alert you to the presence of alkaline substances, since these chemicals are typically bitter. Spinach, parsley, celery, garlic and barley grass. Beets, lettuce, zucchini, carob and lettuce, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, asparagus, collard greens, mustard greens, dandelions, broccoli, rutabaga, peppers and peas.  When consumed in moderation can help reduce the acidity of the body.

FRUITS - Although some fruits, like oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits, are naturally acidic, they can really help reduce the amount of acid in the body because as they are broken down, they stimulate the production of alkaline chemicals. Other fruits are, Apples, avocados, cherries, pineapples, peaches and pears Melons, such as cantaloupe, watermelon and honeydew, can also be reduce body acidity. Bananas is one also but should be consumed in moderation because they are high glycemic index, that can cause rapid spikes in our blood sugar.

PROTEINS - Nuts, pumpkin seeds, squash seeds, sunflower seeds and flax seeds. Fermented soy, eggs, whey protein, yogurt and millet are other alkalizing sources of protein.

MEATS - we can‘t separate meat in our meal unless you are a vegetarian but if not you will crave for it. There are no meats believed to be alkaline in nature. But there are considered slightly acidic like white meat, lean fish and oysters and the very acidic include red meat, fatty fish and shellfish. So, you have to take it in moderation. The pH levels of your condiments must also be considerate when you're taking non-acidic foods. Condiments that are alkaline in nature such as sea salt, cinnamon, green tea, apple cider vinegar, ghee, cayenne, red chilli pepper, molasses, soy sauce and Stevia. Herbs, when used as a seasoning, can also be used to make your food more alkaline and neutralize excess acid.

Consult with your doctor when you taking diet food programs.


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