Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hand Numbness? It can be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a form of repetitive stress injury caused by compression of the median nerve traveling through the carpal tunnel. It‘s also a feeling of numbness and pain in the thumb, and middle fingers,

Sometimes I feel hand numbness, (Inability or reduced ability to experience emotion) I suspected a three reasons; first, because of tightness of my watch in the wrist, the blood didn’t flow freely. Second, because of what I eaten, third, because of overwork of my hand, until I heard about carpal tunnel syndrome, the symptoms was the same of what I feel, numbness and pain in my thumb, and middle fingers,

What is Carpal Tunnel?

The carpal tunnel is a narrow, tunnel-like structure in the wrist. The bottom and sides of this tunnel are formed by wrist (carpal) bones. The top of the tunnel is covered by a strong band of connective tissue called the transverse carpal ligament.


The median nerve travels from the forearm into the hand through this tunnel in the wrist. The median nerve controls feeling in the palm side of the thumb, index finger, and long fingers. The nerve also controls the muscles around the base of the thumb. The tendons that bend the fingers and thumb also travel through the carpal tunnel. These tendons are called flexor tendons.

The carpal tunnel protects the median nerve and flexor tendons that bend the fingers and thumb. So, when there is a problem with carpal tunnel it causes pain, tingling, in our finger and thumb and other problems in our hand because of pressure on the median nerve in our wrist. now, it‘s called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

How Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs?

It‘s occurs when the tissues surrounding the flexor tendons in the wrist, that called synovium, this tissues lubricates the tendons and makes it easier to move the fingers, when this  synovium has swell and put pressure on the median nerve. Like overworking your hands, a repetitive motion tasks all day long. The swelling of the synovium, narrows the confined space of the carpal tunnel, and over time, crowds the nerve, this is the start of the problem.

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?

*Pain in the thumb, and middle fingers. 

*Feeling of numbness, or while holding something, like, phone, or holding a cup of coffee.

*A sense of weakness in your hands and a tendency to drop objects.

*Stress and Strain of constantly doing the same thing with your hands.

*Awaking you with the aggravating feeling of “pins & needles” in your hand.

*An electric shock-like feeling mostly in the thumb, index, and long fingers

*Strange sensations and pain traveling up the arm toward the shoulder

*An aching in your wrist that can extend to your hand or forearm.

*A feeling of clumsiness or weakness can make delicate motions, like buttoning your shirt.

This symptom initially come and go but it will become constant, if it is work related or any activities, it may not progress if the work or activity is stopped but if this symptom stay you need a medical attention.

However, we can prevent this carpal tunnel syndrome by doing these simple tips.

*if you are doing some activities that involved your hand do not pressure it, rest and relax your hand. 

*Before you work try these exercises. Extend and stretch both wrists and fingers acutely as if they are in a hand-stand position. Hold for a count of 5.

*Make a tight fist with both hands. Then bend both wrists down while keeping the fist. Hold for a count of 5.

The exercise should be repeated 10 times. Then let your arms hang loosely at the side and shake them for a few seconds.

*Modifying your activities. Example, if you are using computer, keyboards and chair, height may need to be adjusted for comfortable feeling.


Sometimes we thought it normal but it not, untreated condition can cause your nerve and muscle damaged.


There is two ways to treat this syndrome. What are they? Non Surgical and Surgical.


The treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms and any underlying disease that might be causing the symptoms.

*Initial treatment is rest, immobilization of the wrist in a splint, and occasionally ice application.

*Taking Vitamin B6 has been reported to relieve some symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

*Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also be helpful in decreasing inflammation and reducing pain.

*Corticosteroids can be given by mouth or injected directly into the involved wrist joint it brings rapid relief of the persistent symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

*In Surgery treatment, involves severing the band of tissue around the wrist to reduce pressure on the median nerve. Called carpal tunnel release

There are also a several common conditions that can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, like, obesity, pregnancy, hypothyroidism, arthritis, diabetes, and trauma. And repetitive work, such as uninterrupted typing.

If you feel or sense a symptom you must see your Doctor.

Sources/References: click this site for more info, search Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

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