What is love...
is what we experience in any moment that we are with someone without having or
believing any judgments about that person if she or he is bad or good. love conquer all.
It's a complete acceptance, when we allow someone to be
exactly as they are, without any belief that they aren’t good enough, without
any belief that they would be “better” if they were different.
Love is a lyric from the songs, how mysterious
love can do to a person, really I can’t understand,
Love is unconditional. when we truly love someone,
we can’t stop loving them, regardless of what they do or say. If our love is
dependent upon the other person acting and speaking how we want. We often confuse this to be love, but this is just
positive thoughts about someone. This is just loving what a person says or
does, not loving them. Positive thoughts or the thought “I love you”
isn’t necessary to love. Sometimes it even gets in the way.
True love doesn’t want anything in return, because
there is nothing it needs. We just love for the sake of love. When we love
someone, we don’t look for them to fill our needs, love us back, and all those
types of things. If that is what we are looking for, then we are just using the
other person. Love is completely selfless.
I was on the vehicle when I
saw a couple, the boy is small and thin and the girl are big
and fatty, awkward, when you look at them. I’m not judging people I just
expressing my thought, there is another couple the boy is good looking, tall and
handsome but the woman is small, look like a kid, I’m not making them fun, I
just thought what is love they had for each other, naturally we saw a couple
with both good looking when you saw a lover like I saw, you will thought
something, its natural instinct that when you are good looking of course you
look for good looking too, what I’m saying is love is so amazing,
according to other love is blind, well, it’s true, a true love can’t see the
outside appearance but inside of the heart, even they say that the mind should
be the first not a heart, this is the reason why god put our mind higher than
the heart sometimes it happen but mostly the person follow the heart than the
mind. We can’t exactly defined love it has a lot of meaning it’s so mysterious to
God who gave his son to save us from sin that is a holy love. When Jesus
gave his life for the people this is a greatest love. To you, what is love? For
me love is beyond our imagination.
"Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to
replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of
illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing." -
Anais Nin